Zen Aesthetic

Japanese Zen aesthetic, also known as Wabi-Sabi, derives from Buddhism and finds beauty in imperfection and impermanence.

“Wabi” represents the internal spirit defined by simplicity, humility, imperfection and asymmetry; “Sabi” on the other hand, implies the outer spirit and the notion of materialism and decay. Japanese Zen aesthetic is omnipresent in their art, architecture, poetry, tea ceremony and potteries, flower arrangements and gardens.

Zen art is traditionally made by Buddhist monks and nuns and is an exercise in patience, perseverance and discipline. Although the paintings appear to be simple, effortless and in some cases humoristic, they require rigorous technique and a mastering of the art of calligraphy.

Our new Dualitas Transcend collection  was inspired by Japanese Zen aesthetic. The minimalistic collection is designed with natural Rutilated Quartz set to spin freely within the bezel.

The stone is particularly beautiful due to its golden or black rutile inclusions once considered imperfections. Rutilated Quartz continues to be used in meditation practices for its calming and centering effects.

Transcend Stability and Transcend Tenacity - 5 Carat Black Rutilated Quartz with Gunmetal or Silver

Transcend Tranquility  and Transcend Serenity - 5 and 18 Carat Golden Rutilated Quartz with 18k Rose Gold

For more inspiration on all things Japanese Zen,  check out Dualitas #Transcend Zen Pinterest Board.
